Monday, February 10, 2014

Riddle Box 2

I have gotten some pictures for the riddle boxes, however, there are a LOT of riddle boxes so I don't have them all right now.
I will post which Isle it is, and what the map means.
All the pictures are of maps.
The blue dot means your character.
The black spots are usually buildings or other items of interest, like wagons, etc.
I (the blue dot) will stand right by the riddle box so that you know where it is.
I will also post the answers to the riddle boxes.

These are not in order, as I am getting different pictures at different times but later, I will try to organize them.
Line Isle Riddle Box
The riddle box Q & A are below:

Q: In a stable, there are men and horses. In all, there are 22 heads and 72 feet. How many horses are in the stable?
A: 14

Q: This animal, spelled backwards, is a very common destination for teenagers.
A: Llama

Q: I am not technically a horse, I could appropriately be named Lloyd or Llindsay. What am I?
A: Llama

Sunday, February 9, 2014


You might have heard about Esrohs. They are the mystical horses on Horse Isle 2.
They are what Horse Isle 2, pretty much is.
You're trying, throughout the game, to meet every Esroh.
Here is a list of the Esrohs, what isle they're on, and the requirements to meet them!

Isle - Esroh - Requirement

Birch Isle - Aphrodite - $1,000,000
Bud Isle - Apollo - Gramophone
Drip Isle -        - Level 4 in construction and sewing
Droplet Isle -       - Level 4 in cooking
Flurry Isle - Hera - 100% of all Riddle Boxes completed
Gas Isle -       - 75% of all quests in game completed
Golden Isle - Dionysus - 75% of all mini-games completed
Harbor Isle - Hephaestus  - 250 of copper, iron, silver and gold
Lost Jungle -      - Bareback Award
Triangle Isle -      - 250 arena entries

So. Most of those are self explanatory but I thought I'd explain some of them anyway.

For the gramophone, you just need to save $1,100,000 dollars and then you can buy one at the TOOLS shop.

75% of all quests completed means 75% of quests completed in the whole game. You can check your % when you click QUESTS on the bar above the chat boxes.

75% of all mini-games completed is the same as quests except you have to complete 75% of the mini-games. You can check your progress when you click QUESTS on the bar above the chat boxes.

Bareback Award is an award you get if your horse reaches 1000 experience. You can make your horse more experienced by getting a trainer (another player) to experience them, or just riding them all the time!

250 arena entries is when you enter an arena 250 times. You do not have to win, but you do have to compete.

I will post later, what each Esroh gives you when you complete their quests.

Please note.
The requirements above are not the actual quests. You must still do a quest or two for the Esroh before you can get the reward. The requirements are just what the Esroh's Guardian requires.

P.S. If you see a pit in the ground, with a little squirrel or something in front of it, that is an Esroh Guardian. And in the pit, is the Esroh!

P.P.S. I do not have all of the Esrohs and which isles their on yet, so that's why some spots are blank.

Thank you!!

Riddle Box Time!

So. You may have noticed, that around Horse Isle, there are these purple boxes on a wooden post.
These are important!
If you go up to one and click on it and click LOOK, then it will pull up a box on the right hand side of your screen that has a riddle/question.
If you answer the question correctly, you get $2,500.
You can answer up to three questions per riddle box.
Now, some isles don't have riddle boxes but I have a list of all the ones that do and I'm still getting where each riddle box is. You might want to copy and paste it into a Word Document and then print it off and use it like a check-list.

Alpine Isle
Amber Sands Isle
Ancient Isle
Angled Forest Isle
Arid Isle
Banana Isle
Bend Isle
Big Forest Isle
Birch Isle
Blizzard Isle
Brown Isle
Bog Isle
Bones Isle
Bud Isle
Bulb Isle
Cavern Isle
Chilly Forest Isle
Circle Forest Isle
Coconut Isle
Crater Mountain Isle
Curvy Isle
Deadwood Isle
Decay Isle
Desert Isle
Dribble Isle
Drip Isle
Drop Isle
Droplet Isle
Dry Isle
Dumbell Isle
Flower Isle
Forgotten Isle
Glacier Isle
Grass Isle
Golden Isle
Ice Cube Isle
Lance Isle
Line Isle
Lost Isle
Lost Jungle Isle
Marshy Isle
Meadow Isle
Narrowed Isle
Palm Isle
Pebble Isle
Petal Isle
Pinnacle Isle
Plains Isle
Pond Isle
Prairie Isle
Rocky Cove Isle
Rocky Isle
Savanna Isle
Seashell Isle
Seedling Isle
Skipper Isle
Sprout Isle
Stem Isle
Sunny Glade Isle
Totem Isle
Twin Forest Isle
Twin Rivers Isle
Vine Isle
White Isle
Windy Pines Isle
Yellow Isle

Later on, I'll post where every riddle box is, on the isles.


Ok. I'm sorry.
I've made like 3 different Horse Isle 2 Help blogs, but then I forget the password to them because I'm dumb, so here is the official blog!

Horse Isle

Yeah, it sounds cheezy but its actually really fun. Its a very in-depth game though, so I want to make a website called Magyk's Horse Isle 2 Help. Cause that's me, Magyk. :P

So, what is Horse Isle??

Well, its an online game where there are many isles.
And, it has horses
and if you want to learn any thing else, you better go play it.
Go to google and type Horse Isle
and then click on the first thing that pops up. It should say something like "Horse Isle 1 Land of Esrohs or something. After you click on it, it will pull up two pages;

Horse Isle 2                                                                             Horse Isle 1         


You, of course, want to play Horse Isle 2, because I play that one, and Horse Isle 1 has really bad graphics. Its all pixelated-y. Anyway, once you click on Horse Isle 2, it will pull up another page that says;

Eternal                                                                          Life-Cycle
Your horses live forever                  Your horses age and die.  You may breed your horses


I play both, however, my main account is Eternal, because I'm a member on that one, and I just started Life-Cycle a couple of days ago, so its not as advanced as my Eternal one is.
So, you click on Eternal.
I will wait while you sign up. >.<

You start out on Welcome Isle. You are a person. Horse Isle isn't a game where you are the horse, no, Horse Isle for me, is my remedy to not being able to have a horse.
Await more posts!

p.s. Horse Isle is a very  in-depth game and so it make start out as a little bit boring. But once you get going, by using my Money Making help and other stuff, you'll go far!